Membership / donation

To Volunteer E-Mail us:

Your 2024 membership donation allows us to protect our Delta waterway access and promotes your favorite windsports. Dues help support the Kid’s Camps, Sandbags, Porta-potties, Tide Charts and Special Events.  But your membership also shows that you care about keeping access to the river and supporting your advocates in the delta, RVWA/SIKO. We work hard to keep your experience fun, safe and… possible each year. Click Donate button below to become a RVWA-SIKO member or to pay your yearly dues. Or simply to make a donation. 

Thanks for your generosity and consideration! 

Membership Dues/Donations: 

Individual          $25.00 /year             

Family         $50.00 /year

(Family membership required if you intend to enroll your child in RVWA-SIKO Youth winsurfing program or AKA kids camp)

Sustaining Member       $75.00/year

Corporate                      $100.00 /year  

NEW INFORMATION tide Charts will be emailed .  A PDF will be emailed to you and you can print them out.  Stickers will be available at the Sherman Island Expression session/ opening Day .

 Contact us by email: 

Donate any amount you wish by using  VENMO OR PAYPAL QR Codes Below (We prefer Venmo as it has a lower sur charge) Please add your email to Venmo in notes so you may recieve tide chart.

or feel free to use snail mail and send a check to:    

RVWA-SIKO, P.O. Box 547, Rio Vista, CA  94571


Log into and send payment to the following email: