Membership / donation

To Volunteer E-Mail us:

Your 2024 membership donation allows us to protect our Delta waterway access and promotes your favorite windsports. Dues help support the Kid’s Camps, Sandbags, Porta-potties, Tide Charts and Special Events.  But your membership also shows that you care about keeping access to the river and supporting your advocates in the delta, RVWA/SIKO. We work hard to keep your experience fun, safe and… possible each year. Click Donate button below to become a RVWA-SIKO member or to pay your yearly dues. Or simply to make a donation. 

Thanks for your generosity and consideration! 

Membership Dues/Donations: 

Individual          $25.00 /year             

Family         $50.00 /year

(Family membership required if you intend to enroll your child in RVWA-SIKO Youth winsurfing program or AKA kids camp)

Sustaining Member       $75.00/year

Corporate                      $100.00 /year  

Tide Charts and Membership Stickers are free with paid membership and can be picked up at Delta Windsurf or at The Sign after late April.

If you are out of area and need tide chart mailed, contact us by email: (Indicate if you're Kiter and/or Windsurfer for car sticker.)


Donate any amount you wish by using  VENMO OR PAYPAL QR Codes Below (We prefer Venmo as it has a lower sur charge)

or feel free to use snail mail and send a check to:    

RVWA-SIKO, P.O. Box 547, Rio Vista, CA  94571


Log into and send payment to the following email: